Clarity Rests

Be still and feel the happening of this moment, simply happening.

Resting quietly, making no effort to do anything, there is simply the feeling, the
sensation, of this moment happening … a pulsing, tingling, moving, shifting,
occurrence … being what it is, and doing what it does, in each moment

It’s an unexplainable liveliness, a vibrant occurrence, endlessly unfolding.

This is what starts at birth. It doesn’t come with a label. It’s not a self, not a
world, not a personal doing, not a body, not a mind, not a consciousness.

Just this immediate, indefinable, occurrence … a vibrant, unexplainable functioning.

This is what we are.

Everything inside of us, and everything outside of us, simply happens the way it
happens. It’s one happening, moving to its own inherent urge.

In this moment, without effort, we become what we have to be and do what we
have to do … automatically … spontaneously.

Nature does the same.

It’s one happening.

Can this creative functioning be captured in words?

It cannot.

When we really explore life, we find that every apparent “thing” is changing in
some way. Everything is simply a movement of some kind.

Our descriptions of form, and the various names we give to forms, cannot capture
this creative movement that everything is.

This vibrant liveliness, this immediate occurrence of now, is a happening where
we really don’t know what is happening.

We cannot know what this is; we can only be it.

It’s easy to accept this as a concept, but when one focuses on concepts, one
doesn’t really learn.

To feel this happening, happening, is to learn. To feel the vibrant, pulsing,
occurrence that this moment is, this unexplainable movement, this action, this
functioning, functioning on its own, moving to it own inherent urge, is to learn.

All that is happening is the feeling, the sensation, of this moment occurring, a
happening simply happening.

It’s not a “self” or a “world” or a personal “doing”.

Clarity in life is the simple feeling, the sensation, of this moment occurring, a
vibrant, unexplainable happening, happening on its own.

Everything is that.

Clarity is not some story about it, some strange interpretation.

Clarity abandons understanding and rests as this unexplainable occurrence … this
vibrant liveliness … where everything becomes what it has to be, and does what it
has do … automatically … spontaneously … in any moment.