
A Summary of Existence
The Sense of Here and Now

(Published by New Sarum Press)

Darryl’s website features short articles which exemplify and summarise his teaching. A number of people asked whether these could be collated into a book and Darryl has responded with this new, concise collection of writings.




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New Sarum Press


Finding Wholeness, Harmony and Rest
Exposing the Conflict in All Thinking

(Published by New Sarum Press)

Another book by Darryl Bailey in which he explores the ever-changing nuances of perception, thought, and circumstance. “I want to consider a major difficulty that arises in the life of every person, and within society in general. It is perhaps the single largest barrier to the happiness and health of every human being and the largest barrier to the happiness and health of society as a whole.

“This difficulty has to do with the relationship of thinking to our actual experience of existence, and the fact that every thought that we have is in conflict with our experience of life.”


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New Sarum Press

“What the…”
A Conversation about Living

(Published by New Sarum Press)

After a long break from writing, Darryl returns with an unsparingly honest account of his own journey, from the confusion of teenage spirituality, through years of intense practice and contact with teachers—and working to earn a living in many countries. Darryl tells of his experiences of being an international ‘teacher’: how he reacted to the projections and requests for a formula for living, his own realisations and his current gently dynamic approach.

Darryl’s journey through searching, realisations, disillusionments and what came after has led him to a new, fresh and clear perspective. He invites us to explore our own experience, pointing to what most people overlook or ignore, asking some essential questions and considering some surprising answers.


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New Sarum Press


Essence Revisited
Slipping Past the Shadows of Illusion

(Published by New Harbinger)

In  2003, I self-published the book Essence with the help of two friends, Sandra Stuart and Link Phillips, acting as editor and layout designer.
Essence Revisited is a refinement of that first offering.
Much of the original text is retained; the main points are still here, in simpler fashion; some elements are gone for the sake of clarity; and new considerations have arisen, but it still carries the flavour of those many summer hours that the three of us gathered in Sandra’s gazebo, excited by life’s dance and the possibility of presenting it on a page.

(from the prologue)

The process of spiritual awakening can be explained in everyday, commonsense terms; it’s not necessary to rely on ancient ways of expressing it. This is a straightforward consideration of the journey to enlightenment. Using examples that are easily observed in one’s own life, we can awaken to the fact that we‘re an expression of nature. Many have experienced profound realizations by simply reading the observations presented here.

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New Harbinger


Dismantling the Fantasy
An Invitation to the Fullness of Life

(Published by New Sarum Press)

If you move into the deepest teachings of any great spiritual tradition, at some point you must move beyond the tradition itself and any idea of enlightenment.  What is it that remains when the spiritual path, and even enlightenment, is transcended?

Dismantling the Fantasy is a consideration of the movement out of thought itself.  This may sound extreme or even impossible, but it’s a simple consideration of our potential and you can easily understand it from the life experience you already have.


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New Sarum Press



(Published by New Sarum Press)

Buddhism is currently very popular, but most people have not read the recorded teachings of the Buddha.  As a result, the general understanding of this teaching is incorrect.

For example, many people think that reincarnation is a big part of the original doctrine, but we find something very different in the Buddha’s words.


“How can you talk of existence or non-existence after death?
One who knows the truth … cannot be regarded as existing [now].
One who knows the truth … lives beyond explanations.
Descriptions don’t apply.”


This book, small but comprehensive, offers the core elements of the Buddha’s teaching, as they exist in the historical texts.  His observations were unattached to any religion and remain a powerful comment on life at any time.

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New Sarum Press

